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Need help planning your retirement


Let us help you find the best plan to fit your needs!

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RETIREMENT SIZE℠, RETIREMENT SIZING℠, RETIREMENT SIZE ME!℠ are service marks of Pratt, Aycock & Associates, PLLC, which identify an innovative strategy of assisting people with planning for their post-retirement living and financial needs.

A situation which has become more prevalent in our society is that of the “Sandwich Generation”. Members of this group must care not only for their children, but also their aging parents. With proper planning, such a burden on this and future generations can be better managed.

Pratt Aycock is a multi-state Firm with offices throughout Texas and Tennessee. Find a location near you using our Contact Us tab.

We can help you consider and implement a custom-made plan which will help you to Retirement Size® at the age best for you. Planning now, rather than later, means more options and a greater degree of success with a Retirement Size® plan.

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